Daycare & Preschool
"Loving Care When You're Not There!"
All rates subject to change.
• 3 years and older $500 per month.
This price also includes preschool in the fall and hot lunch made fresh every day, nutritionally regulated and balanced by the Department of Family Services, as well as a nutritional snack at 9:30 and 3:45.
• 1 Year to 30 Months - $580 a month
• Infants - $680 a month
There is a $50 discount for more than one child in a family.
• $50 (non refundable deposit)
• $200 a month.
Preschool is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 9 A.M. until 11 A.M. There is no preschool on days when regular school is out. Preschoolers need to be here by 8:45 A.M. for morning classes. A materials list will be handed out to all preschoolers that will be attending. We require preschoolers be here at least 3 days per week to get the full benefit of the curriculum. If your child will not be in attendance on a regularly scheduled day, you will need to call and let the teacher know.
• Full time $480 per month
• $50 discount for more than one child.
If your child is signed up for the summer program and you
pull them part way through you will still have to pay for the full
3 months. The older children that are already in school will be going on field trips and doing special activities from 1 P.M. until
3 or 3:30 P.M. depending on the activity. You will be required to pay for the activities your child attends or they will not be allowed to go. At the beginning of each month you will be given a schedule of where the children are going and how much it will cost. If your child is required to use a car seat you will have to provide a car seat that can be left at the daycare.